Update date: April 1, 2023

Effective date: April 1, 2023

Personal Information Privacy Protection Agreement for Software

This software respects and protects the personal privacy and information security of all users who use the product and subsequent product services (hereinafter referred to as "you"). In view of this, the product has formulated this "Personal Information Privacy Protection Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") to confirm with you about the collection, storage, use, disclosure and protection of your personal information during your use of the product. . This privacy agreement will help you understand the following:

1. How does the product collect your personal information

2. How the product uses, transfers, and discloses your personal information

3. How do you manage or delete your personal information

4. Terms of use for minors

5. Security of your personal information

6. Personal information protection measures provided by the product

7. Amendment and notification of privacy agreement

8. How to contact us

Please read and thoroughly understand this agreement before using the product, and use this product after you fully understand and agree to it. If you do not agree to any content of this agreement, you should stop using the product immediately. When you use the product, it means that you agree and fully understand the entire content of this personal information privacy protection agreement.

About User Generated Content (UGC) Policy

1. Before using the application, all users must accept the application user/user policy terms provided by the developer before creating or uploading UGC

2. Define objectionable content and behavior. The application's user/user policy terms will prohibit such content and behavior in the application's terms of use or user specifications

1、 How does the product collect your personal information

Your personal information comes from the information you provide to the product and the information collected by the product through your use of platform services:

The information you provide to the product

b) When you use specific products or services of the platform (such as purchasing product functions or member services), in order to meet the purpose of providing products and services to you, in addition to the information provided at the time of registration, you need to further provide us with your real name, ID card number, bank card, avatar and profile and other information. If you do not use specific products and services, you do not need to provide relevant information.

c) The APP will clearly indicate the collection and usage rules to users in the form of a privacy policy pop-up window. The purpose and scope of the APP's collection of device MAC addresses, software installation lists, etc. After users agree to the privacy policy, there is a behavior of collecting device MAC addresses and software installation lists. Including: 1) APP obtains SIM serial number READ when running in the foreground_ PHONE_ State; 2) APP obtains Android when running in the foreground_ ID; 3) When the APP front end is running, the APP reads and writes external storage information on the phone READ_ Extended_ STORAGE/WRITE_ Extended_ STORAGE

d) The APP clarifies to users the collection and usage rules of the SDK, as well as the purpose and scope of the SDK's collection of device MAC addresses, software installation lists, etc. After users agree to the privacy policy, the SDK has the behavior of collecting device MAC addresses, software installation lists, etc. Including: 1) When the APP front end is running, the SDK and mobile analytics obtain sensor information BODY_ SENSORS; 2) When the APP front end is running, the SDK and com. bun obtain the OAID; 3) When running the APP frontend, SDK and mobile analytics obtain MAC address ACCESS_ WIFI_ State

e) When the APP is first opened (or at other times) to use the relevant products or services corresponding to the permission, it will apply to the user in advance for permission to open the address book/location/SMS/recording/camera/XXX and other permissions. Including: 1) WRITE_ Extended_ STORAGE allows writing to external storage; 2) READ_ Extended_ STORAGE allows for reading external storage. In order to provide you with a high-quality service experience and related functions, we will request your authorization of relevant permissions. If you refuse to provide permission, you will not be able to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the app. The permissions are as follows: 1) Storage permissions: used to access photos and media on your device, in order to create program content and cache related files normally; 2) Device information or phone permissions: used to adapt devices, read call status and mobile network information, ensure smooth browsing content, and ensure device security; 3) Location permissions: When you access our software application, we may perform geographic location localization, which provides you with services such as localized language, scanning nearby Bluetooth devices, and obtaining Bluetooth device connections. Denying permissions can affect the APP and device connection experience. 4) Camera permissions: In order to provide you with services such as scanning QR codes, images/videos, and obtaining Bluetooth device connections, denying permissions can affect the app and device connection experience.

f) APP may exhibit frequent self start or associated start behavior. Including: 1) Exit the app and start the app automatically. When you use the Bluetooth and other service functions of this app, in order to ensure that Bluetooth devices are automatically connected when you open the app, we need to use a self start service. If you want to turn off the self start function, it may cause Bluetooth devices to not pair properly. You can turn off the self start function in Settings Applications Self start Management.

g) The APP will collect the user's device number, device width and height parameters, and device hardware version information parameters when connecting LED devices using the APP, and send them to the server. After binding with the device account, they will be stored on the server; The app will store the corresponding image information to the server when users use the app to send mobile image information to LED devices; The APP will collect the number of times users view and send images from the material library to the server when using the image information in the APP.

Sensitive Information:

Personal sensitive information includes special personal information such as your race, religion, personal health, and medical information that, if leaked, illegally provided, or abused, may endanger personal and property safety, and can easily lead to damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health, or discriminatory treatment. Please be cautious when using this product and/or service, as the content and information provided, uploaded or published by you may disclose your sensitive personal information.

This software is designed to provide better services to all users. When using products related to this software, basic information will be obtained, including:

1.1 Equipment Information

This software will collect device related information, such as obtained device ID, IMEI, phone type, third-party SDK name system platform, software version, etc. This information can help us optimize the user experience of the application and ensure that users receive the latest version features.

1.2 Location Information

When you access our software application, we may perform geographic location positioning, which provides you with localized language, scanning nearby Bluetooth devices, and obtaining Bluetooth device connections. Denying permissions can affect the APP and device connection experience.

1.3 Log Information

When you use this software application, we may automatically collect some information and store it in the Server log. This type of information includes:

① Equipment identification code;

② Your network request, phone type, and date and time of request;

③ Collect crash event information such as app crashes for us to follow up and fix issues.

④ Collect the viewing and usage frequency of material resources in the application.

1.4 Network Information

When you use this software application, we may update the application material resources through network information services.

1.5 Bluetooth information

If you already have relevant hardware devices (regardless of whether they are of the "" brand) and wish to synchronize the information recorded by the hardware product (including but not limited to personal information data such as your device model that has been agreed to upload) to "", you can achieve this by enabling Bluetooth function. If you refuse to enable it, it will only make it impossible for you to use the function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of "". At the same time, you can also cancel this permission at any time through relevant function settings. But when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect this information and will no longer be able to provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above; But unless you delete your information in accordance with legal regulations, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.

1.6 Library Information

When editing images and animation programs that require access to the gallery, the application is uploading user information about your images. If you refuse to enable it, it will only prevent you from using this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the application. At the same time, you can also cancel this permission at any time through relevant function settings. But when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect this information and will no longer be able to provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above; But unless you delete your information in accordance with legal regulations, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.

1.7 Third Party SDK

SDK Name: Tencent Bugly

Purpose of use: To improve service stability and facilitate rapid and accurate positioning of existing problems after related service crashes;

Type of personal information collection: Crash environment (Crash information and thread stack, ROM/RAM/SD card capacity, network/language status App information: package name, version, process name), device information, device manufacturer, device name, operating system version, operator code, App running status, flash, lag, network information, log information

1.8 Based on device unique identification code

During the operation of the application, it is necessary to collect your device unique identification code (IMEI/android ID/DEVICE-ID/IDFA, SIM card IMSI information, OAID) to provide statistical analysis services, and improve performance and user experience through application startup data and abnormal error log analysis, providing better services for users.

Information usage:

This software is designed to provide better services to all users, with the following purposes

A. Obtaining the geographical location of mobile phones is to better provide localized language, scan nearby Bluetooth devices, and obtain Bluetooth device connections and other related services;

B. Reading system logs and device information is used to collect crash event information such as application crashes, for us to follow up and fix problems;

C. The purpose of obtaining network connection usage is to provide more new material resources synchronously.

D. In order to enrich the functionality of this software and improve the user experience, in certain specific usage scenarios, we may use SDKs provided by capable third-party service providers to provide you with services.

E. Third party SKD internationalization i18n may collect your phone system language to provide multilingual internationalization services;

F. Reading system logs and device information is used to collect information on crash events such as application crashes, as well as the production and usage of material resources in the application. Used for us to follow up and fix issues and calculate the heat of material usage;

G. The purpose of obtaining image information is for users to view the image content sent from their old phone to LED devices when changing their phone to use the application;

2、 How to use, transfer, and disclose your personal information with the product

1. Information usage

a) The product will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless prior permission is obtained from you, or the third party and the product provide services to you individually or jointly, and after the end of the service, they will be prohibited from accessing all of these materials, including those they have previously been able to access.

b) The product also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell, or freely disseminate your personal information through any means. If any product platform user engages in the above activities, upon discovery, the product has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with that user.

2. Information transfer and disclosure

In the following circumstances, the product will disclose all or part of your personal information according to your personal wishes or legal regulations:

a) Disclosure to third parties with your prior consent;

b) To provide the products and services you require, it is necessary to share your personal information with third parties;

c) Based on national, public interests, and security, in accordance with laws and legal procedures, the product will disclose your personal information to competent judicial, administrative, or relevant individuals, or carry out relevant actions in accordance with court rulings, judgments, or mandatory requirements of government agencies. Please be aware that the above countries include, but are not limited to, the China or the countries where other products operate and relevant laws and regulations.

d) To use, share, or disclose your personal information for the purpose of safeguarding the legitimate interests of third parties, or investigating, preventing, or dealing with illegal, irregular, infringing, security or technical issues, or for reasonable purposes such as academic research.

e) If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at their request in order for both parties to resolve potential rights disputes;

f) In a transaction created on the product platform, if either party fulfills or partially fulfills the transaction obligations and requests information disclosure, the product has the right to decide to provide necessary information such as the contact information of the counterparty to the transaction to the user, in order to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the resolution of disputes.

g) Other products may be disclosed as deemed appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations, or website agreements.

h) Data transfer

If the product developer team undergoes restructuring, merger, division, liquidation, or asset sale, your information will be transferred as the subject matter of the transaction to a new entity. Prior to the change of this agreement, your personal information will still be protected by this personal information protection agreement.

3. Information storage and exchange

The information and materials collected by the product regarding you will be stored on the servers of the product and/or its affiliated companies. These information and materials may be transmitted to your country, region, or the location where the product is collected, and accessed, stored, and displayed overseas.

Use of Cookies

a) You have the right to choose to accept or reject cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying browser settings. But if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use product network services or features that rely on cookies.

b) The relevant information obtained through the cookies set up by the product will be governed by this agreement.

3、 How do you manage or delete your personal information

You can view or delete your uploaded images and other information in our system; You can also revoke some authorization by modifying personal settings, deleting relevant information, etc; Please be aware that when you withdraw your consent or authorization, it may result in the product being unable to continue providing services to you. You can choose to reject cookie information by modifying browser settings, but you may not be able to log in or use cookie dependent product services or features.

4、 Personal information about minors

The product attaches great importance to the protection of minors' information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, please carefully read this personal information protection agreement with your guardian and use this product and/or service or provide information to this product with the consent of your guardian.

5、 Your personal information storage

Please be aware that the information collected by the product on the global operation platform and service will be stored in the server in the China by default.

6、 Personal Information assurance measures for products

We will take reasonable and feasible security measures that comply with De facto standard to protect the security of your personal information and prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will treat your information with a high degree of diligence and obligation, and we will not share your information with any third party without your consent. Please also be cautious in providing your personal information to third parties. If you find that your personal information stored in the product has been leaked, please contact us immediately so that we can take corresponding measures.

7、 Revision of Personal Information Protection Agreement

The product may modify this agreement from time to time, so please check frequently. After the agreement is modified, the product will publish the modified content on relevant pages or in other appropriate ways. If you do not agree with the modification of this agreement, please immediately stop using the product or cancel the services you have already received; If you choose to continue accessing or using the product platform or service after the modification of this agreement, it shall be deemed that you have accepted the modification of this agreement.

The terms listed in this agreement do not fully cover all your rights and obligations regarding personal information with the product. Therefore, other statements, rules, etc. regarding product announcements shall be deemed as supplementary provisions to this agreement and an integral part of this agreement, with equal legal effect as this agreement.

8、 How to contact us

This software is provided by Shenzhen Yanse Technology Co., Ltd. If you have any questions, suggestions or opinions about this agreement, or if you find that your personal information may be leaked, you can provide feedback through the email address in this software( wxyyskj@gmail.com )Contact us.

The effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement, all disputes, claims or other matters arising from your use of the software platform or services or related to this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). All disputes between you and the product platform should be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, you can choose to resolve them through any of the following channels:

(1) Submit to the arbitration commission for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules in effect at the time of application for arbitration; The arbitration award shall be final and binding on all parties;

(2) Submit the litigation jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the agreement is signed;

Please confirm once again that you have read and fully understood the above terms.

[Prudent Reminder] If you use this product, it will be deemed that you have agreed to the aforementioned service usage agreement and personal information protection agreement. These terms will immediately take effect and constitute a binding legal document between you and the software product platform.

Please confirm again that you have read all of the above agreement and fully understand it.